Grammy-nominated songwriter reveals:

You have a secret songwriter inside of you right now (even if you don’t know it.)  …And I can help draw it out and write your first song in just a few hours

Find Your Voice: How Songwriting Can Help You Express Your True Self

You could have your very first song written as soon as today. 

Because the truth is, every single person on planet Earth has the ability to write a song already inside them. 

There is a little known, simple, but powerful method that is now being used by people just like you, that takes what you already know, marries it to your hopes and dreams…and helps you create your very first song in just a few hours.

So you can use songwriting for personal expression, self improvement, and emotional release.

Hi my name is Beth Hall and while you’ve probably never heard of me before…

I'm a Grammy nominated songwriter who co-founded the largest songwriting festival in the world that is now in its 30th year.

And over the past 4 decades I’ve helped thousands of people write songs. 

All using the dead-simple method I’ll share with you in this short video. 

A method I created after over 4 decades in the front lines of the music industry.  

And the best part about this method is that you’ll be able to write your first song…as soon as today…even if you’ve NEVER written a song in your life.  

Even if you don't have ANY “musical ability”I guarantee you that I will draw the secret songwriter out of you.

So that you can take this external personal exploration course to tell your story.

Because personal expression, self improvement, and emotional release are all possible…

Through the power of songwriting.

Because this is the exact same method used by thousands of folks to write their very first song, with no previous experience.

But it’s also been used by countless professional musicians to create hit songs to advance their career.  

And for a limited time, I’m offering to share this proven method at a mere fraction of the normal price. 

And while there are about 9000 song writing courses out there…Most of them are taught by people who have never even written a song!

But I’ve been able to take the same exact method I used to earn a Grammy nomination…and distill it down into a dead simple method that anyone can follow to write the songs that are already inside of them. 

The best part is I can teach this songwriting method to just about anybody.

I don't care if you don't think you have anything interesting to say or a unique perspective to share.  

I promise I will draw the creativity and inspiration out of you. 

So that you can perform or share a complete song that you're proud of…

That you stand on its own two feet and that you can feel good about sharing with other people.

Because I’m going to let you in on a little secret right now. 

You have a unique voice inside of you and that is a treasure.

That is what makes you special.

That is why you want to create.

The great songwriters out there, they aren't any more special than you are.

They simply create a tiny little bridge in their mind that connects them to pop culture.

And you can do the same thing with what’s inside of your right at this very moment.

There are no secret rituals.

These people aren't born geniuses.

At least not any more than you are.

They just use the dead-simple songwriting method that I used to earn a Grammy nomination.

The same method thousands of other amateurs have used to write their first song in a matter of hours.

 And my goal after the whole pandemic and everything is to help people discover how powerful (and easy) songwriting can be.

What I really give people is an external personal exploration course to tell your story. 

It's another outlet like journaling or meditation.

And look, telling your story can be incredibly therapeutic.

It is a great way to realize a lot of stuff you have bottled up inside. 

Plus it's cheaper and better than therapy!  (Haha)

You know, you might really be surprised that you have these golden nuggets about yourself you never knew.

So you can give yourself permission to be as creative as you want.

And trust me, life is so much better when you express yourself in your own creative way. 

You see, several years ago I had to stop writing music because I was working so much. 

And when I finally kind of came up for air, I was like, okay, I have all this knowledge. 

I have 40 years of knowledge and experience to access here. I've been in every role in this business.

I've been a manager, I've had a radio show on the biggest and best AAA station in the country, blah blah blah.

And I’d see all these songwriters use a simple method to write these hit songs. I knew their secret was all about the method they were using…

And that there was nothing special about any of these successful songwriters.

 So I started teaching it to professional musicians to help them along in their career. 

And just like clockwork, these folks were pumping out beautiful songs left and right. 

It was so easy to do that I decided to try with some friends that had ZERO musical talent. 

And within a matter of hours, I had these newbies writing their very first songs. (And they were good too!) 

After realizing I could teach just about anyone how to write a quality song with the method…I felt like I’d found my calling.

Because the truth is, most people never even think of songwriting as a way to express themselves. 

But once you understand that you already have inside of you…Marry it to your hopes and dreams…YOU can create a song in a matter of hours. 

A song that will provide personal expression, self improvement, and emotional release.

And right now I’m on a mission to help 250 people write their first song in just a matter of hours. 

Which means right now you can join the thousands of others I’ve helped draw out the secret songwriter inside them. 

Again this method has worked for me, it’s worked for countless others, and most importantly it’s going to work for you.

Just look at what a few people had to say about using this method.  

“This has everything a songwriter needs to get focus and direction –

not to mention a whole lot of wisdom – in captivating lessons that keep you

engaged” -Kevin M.

“I am a new songwriter. I learned a lot about myself as a person and artist, I learned to be more open about my songwriting..” Noah J.

“This exposes the unseen TRUTH about songwriting.” David M.

I’m about to share with you what I shared with these folks…

So YOU can write your song in just a few minutes from now if you want to.  

And again, I spent 40 years in the music business. 

I’ve done and seen it all.

The best songwriters in the industry are also my best friends.

But I noticed something during the COVID lockdowns.

It seemed like people were struggling to find an outlet for personal expression and emotional release.

So I wanted to take what I learned from my 4 decades in the music industry and use it to help everyday amateurs use the power of songwriting to enrich their lives. 

It’s my way of “giving back”. 

Because I’ve reached a point in my life where serving others is more important than advancing my career or chasing money.

So here’s what I’m going to do for you today.

First, I’m going to show you the exact method that amateurs use to write their very first song…

Which happens to be the same method music pros use to write hit songs. 

I call it Kickstart Your Songwriting. 

And once you discover how to tap into the songwriter that’s already inside of you right at this very moment…

You’ll find that personal expression and emotional release is easier and more fun than you ever thought possible.

Here’s how you’ll make that happen. 

In just a second you're going to see a button appear under this video.

When you click that button and enter your info, you will have access to the Kickstart Your Songwriting method that I told you about today.

Following the instructions is dead-simple and you’ll be on your way in a matter of minutes.

But that’s not all you're getting when you say yes to Kickstart Your Songwriting today.

Because I’ve also decided to throw in a few free bonuses for taking action.

Bonus #1 is Music Tech Tools For Songwriters:

This is a list of tech tools for making music that I've put together from 4 decades in the industry.  Most of them are free or cheap apps you can download to your phone or computer.   

Bonus #2 is Free and Cheap Resources for Songwriters: 

These are things that supplement and enhance what you already have. Like, You can download this certain app if you wanna make beats. Here's another app about chord progressions that will print up a whole list of 'em for you. You get the whole list of stuff like that.

Bonus #3 is Understanding Music Business Acronyms:

Let me tell you from experience that there are A LOT of acronyms used in the music business.  And while you probably just want to stick with amateur songwriting, It’s pretty helpful to understand these if you have any interest in music and songwriting at all.  So I made up this quick-reference guide to help you with just that!

These are FREE bonuses I’m giving to you when you say yes to Kickstart Your Songwriting today.

And I know you're going to love using them to write your very first song in just a matter of hours.

Just like Katareen did:

“As a creative person herself, Beth understands the peaks and valleys of creativity and serves other creatives in an authentic and profound way.Personally working with Beth has been an eye-opening and enriching experience that I highly recommend”

– Katareen M.

And I’m so confident this will work for you that I’m going to make you an offer you simply can't turn down. 

Now when I work with professional musicians, they pay me a minimum of 5-figures to help them with their songwriting. 

Obviously as a grammy-nominated songwriter who works with the absolute top talent in the industry, I can charge quite a hefty fee for my experience and insider knowledge.  But this isn't about money for me.

It’s about sharing my gift with the world and helping people with personal expression, self improvement, and emotional release…

After a long few years of frustration and loneliness stemming from the pandemic...

And since I’ve distilled this down into a digital course that you can use anytime you’d like…

I don’t have to charge a hefty fee for you to access this incredible songwriting method. 

So instead of having to shell out five-figures to work with me…

The next 250 people who accept this no-brainer offer will only pay a one time fee.

And you will join the thousands of people who’ve discovered how therapeutic and FUN writing songs actually is. (And like I said, it’s way cheaper than therapy!)

Besides, you and I both know you spend more than that a week on coffee…

So why not give it a shot?

In fact, I’m going out of my way to make this a no-brainer for you today.

Because I’m going to let you try out Kickstart Your Songwriting risk-free for the next year.

And if you don't feel like you’ve gotten your money’s worth, contact me anytime in the next 365 days…

And I’ll refund you every penny.   No questions asked.  

I can offer this guarantee with confidence because I know that Kickstart Your Songwriting will work for you, just like it has for thousands of other first-time songwriters. 

To take advantage of this limited-time offer, simply click the button below this video. 

When you do, you'll be taken to a 100% safe and secure checkout page. 

Once you fill out your info and hit “submit” your login to members area will be mailed to you in about 5 minutes. 

But remember this offer is only available to the first 250 people who take action and say “yes” to Kickstart Your Songwriting.

If you don't take advantage today, you may never have the opportunity to claim this exclusive opportunity for this price ever again. 

So go ahead and click that button below to claim your exclusive offer now. 

Now Only $19.95

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